WP1 - Contaminants

Permafrost has been a continuous sink for pollutants released by humankind since the beginning of the industrial age.

WP2 - Plants and Animals

Arctic ecosystem health and productivity is a key contributor to living subsistence of local communities and is impacted by permafrost degradation.

WP3 - Infrastructure

Thawing permafrost increases erosion along coasts, rivers, and slopes, threatening infrastructure in Arctic communities.

WP4 - Water and Sanitation

Permafrost thaw changes the delivery of carbon, nutrients, heavy metals, organic pollutants, microorganisms and particles to the surface water systems, potentially developing health risks.

WP5 - Culture

Permafrost thaw impacts cultural ecosystem services (recreation and tourism, religious, spiritual or emotional experiences) in various ways that are crucial for healthy communities.

WP6 - Ecosystem Services

Ecosystem changes due to permafrost degradation impact the availability of Ecosystem Services to permafrost communities.

WP7 - One Health

One Health recognizes that human, animal and ecosystem health are interrelated and dependent in complex ways, especially in the Arctic.

WP8 - Partnerships for Solutions

Essential part of climate adaptation is to develop partnerships and solutions with local stake- and rightsholders.

WP9 - Management

The coordination and data management of the ILLUQ project together with the communication and dissemination activities.