Technical University of Denmark

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For almost two centuries the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), has been dedicated to fulfilling the vision of H.C. Ørsted – the father of electromagnetism, who founded the university in 1829 – to develop and create value, using the technical sciences to the benefit of society. Today, DTU is the leading Danish university in engineering and technology, and ranks as one of the foremost technical universities in Europe.

DTU supports the Danish Arctic strategy and contributes to its fulfilment through its long experience with research and educational activities in the Arctic.


Main tasks in the project

DTU is involved in the WP3 - infrastructure and WP4 - Water and Sanitation


DTU staff involved in illuq

Researcher in WP3
Associate Prof. Thomas Ingeman-Nielsen
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Arctic DTU and
Department of Environment and Resource Engineering



WP4 lead
Ass. Prof. Pernille Erland Jensen
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Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering
Technical University of Denmark



Researcher in WP4
Prof. Lisbeth Truelstrup Hansen
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DTU National Food Institute
Research Group for Food Microbiology and Hygiene
Technical University of Denmark



PhD student in WP4
Ida Huusmann Knøfler
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PhD student at the Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering
Materials & Durability, Technical University of Denmark



Research Assistant in WP3
Tom De Ville
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Arctic DTU and
Department of Environment and Resource Engineering
Technical University of Denmark


